Friday, May 18, 2012

Koi for Non-Sushi Eaters

My fiance doesn’t like sushi. I know–what?!? It’s such a shame. Luckily for me, he still loves going to Koi! Why? Because Koi has plenty of amazing non-sushi dishes. Koi’s Signature Hot Dishes menu has lots of great items to choose from. Martyn’s favorite is the grilled Lobster Tail. He let me have a bite the other night and man oh man! I think the best thing about it is how subtle the flavoring is: just a little bit of au jus and herb butter to bring out the flavor of the lobster, nothing more. You know what that means right? Koi knows they have the best quality lobster available. They’re not about to cover it up with a bunch of strongly flavored sauces.

When he’s not in the mood for seafood, he also loves Kobe Style filet mignon. He always asks to substitute Mashed Potatoes for the asparagus and mushrooms. What can I say: I’m marrying a meat and potatoes man. And boy, does Koi know how to do meat and potatoes. They kobe filet is so tender and flavorful, and the mashed potatoes are incredible and creamy! It’s a shame I ended up with a non-sushi lover, but at least we know we can always both enjoy Koi!

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